Côtes du Roussillon appellation has been created in the end of the 70s in order to cover all the dry table wines of the Roussillon region. The wines are produced in all three colours eventhough the red wines present 80% of the total production. Red and rosé wines are mainly blends of Grenache, Syrah and Mourvèdre varieties. Whereas most of the white wines are made of Grenache Blanc and Macabeo and can be complemented with Marsanne, Roussanne and Vermentino varieties. The Côtes du Roussillon red wines are in general fleshy, fruity and spicy. The white wines instead are fine and delicate showing citrus and stone fruit flavours that are complemented by some floral notes. The wines offered by Domaine Lafage, Domaine du Clos de Fées, Domainde de Bila Haut and Vignobles Dom Brial are particularly noteworthy.
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