In Bergheim, a small town nestled in the heart of Alsace , Domaine Marcel Deiss is one of the essential properties of this magnificent wine region. In order to fully reveal the character of the terroirs, Jean-Michel Deiss remains faithful to the path traced by Marcel: to install a logic of planting the vines, a very old technique in the region. The result is compelling... Read more
In Bergheim, a small town nestled in the heart of Alsace , Domaine Marcel Deiss is one of the essential properties of this magnificent wine region. In order to fully reveal the character of the terroirs, Jean-Michel Deiss remains faithful to the path traced by Marcel: to install a logic of planting the vines, a very old technique in the region. The result is compelling and complex wines, perfectly expressing the salinity nuances of each cru, with wonderfully intense flavours and incredible balance. A harmony between the most natural grape varieties for a magnificent result!
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